Sunday, May 8, 2011

We Are Family

Wow, I don't know if I'm cut out for this legacy thing.  I just can't seem to get into game to play!  Oh well, I'm going to keep chugging away at it for now.  Maybe Generations will breathe some life into playing with a big family.

Now that life's settled down a little for the family and the kids are getting closer to being able to take care of themselves, everyone's been able to spend quality time together without feeling pressured and stressed.  The girls finally made the honor roll and dutifully do their homework as soon as they get home from school.

Jasmine spent some time fishing with her twin daughters.  They're getting to be pros and she'd never gained a lot (or any) skill in it, so they got to be the teachers and enjoyed showing their mom what they could do.

Big Jack and Little Jack have been having quality poo time.  Look at that intense face as he tries not to make a mess!

Fiona's already taught Jack how to walk, and he's tottering around exploring everything.  Nothing is safe!

Jack seems to be closer to Anne than to his other children.  He's always stopping to have conversations with her.  My theory is that her insanity makes her a much more interesting conversationalist.  Crazy = amusing.  However, that doesn't mean he neglects the others.  He and Bonnie spent some time playing tag.  He realized that he doesn't feel quite as young as he used to!

That hasn't kept him from responding to emergencies and keeping his alarm and firetruck in tip top shape.  This city hero is always ready to rescue someone.  It's possible that the family life and the city's admiration have curtailed his klepto ways.

Fiona finally decided that if she's going to be taking care of the garden all by herself, she might as well be getting paid for growing gorgeous plants.  She called city hall and made arrangements to fill out her Gardener paperwork.  Let's hope she remembered to change first.  :-o

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