Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Name of the Game is Change

A lot of changes happened recently.  Aging up, retiring, completing wishes... The Rackham family has been growing up!

Fiona finally aged up to Elder, and she makes a pretty cute one!  She mostly works in the garden, upgrades appliances around the house and focuses on little Jack.

Anne and Bonnie had their birthday!  They had a joint party, just a little one at home.  Anne had the strawberry cake and Bonnie got the chocolate.  You can see influence from both their parents in their faces... not necessarily in a good way!  Both girls had a good childhood so I could pick a trait, but staying true to the legacy, I let the randomizer choose them.  Bonnie got Over Emotional and Anne got Star Quality, which should work well with her goal of being rich and famous.



Jack and Jasmine both fulfilled their lifetime wish.  Jasmine made it to the top of the music career, spent one extra day saying goodbye to her coworkers, and then retired!  The family, even little Jack, gathered around to congratulate her.

Jack was out rescuing people from their burning houses when he finally hit a net worth of 100,000 simoleons.  Look at the rich firefighter heading home from a job well done. :D

Finally, little Jack had a birthday, too!  He'd learned all his kiddie skills and got to pick a new trait, but the randomizer picked Coward.  Nooo!  How could a dashing figure such as Captain Jack Rackham have a cowardly son?!  Oh, little Jack.  How will this affect you?

I thought the girls looked very masculine after aging up, so they both got a little makeover.  It's amazing what a new haircut, plucking your eyebrows, and some makeup can do!  They don't look quite so hideous anymore. :D

Before (scary):


1 comment:

  1. Ann is pretty. Nice update! That's a funny picture of Jack in the fireman outfit, I haven't seen the mask before.
