Monday, April 11, 2011

Faux Hawks and Monkeys

Ugh, does your legacy ever start to feel like a chore?  I just can't take all of these sims, and I haven't even gotten the second generation grow up yet.  Well, I made a bit of progress in that area as little Jack aged up today!  He's absolutely adorable.  Apparently, he got the good genes, unlike his masculine-looking sisters.

So far, he has the traits Loves the Outdoors and Easily Impressed.  He likes classical music, french toast and the color spice brown.  With a virtuoso mother and growing up in a brown ship, it's not a big surprised.  He's an Aquarius, which is appropriate for a pirate's son.  Have some adorable pictures!

Jack started off toddler-hood as a skinhead.  He promptly tried to eat himself.  There was an emergency makeover hosted by myself and my hubby, and now Jack's beautiful hair is visible.



  1. That is my absolute favorite toddle EA hairstyle!! It's so cute, now if EA could only make more cute male toddler hairstyles that would be awesome. :)

    I can't stand when sims want a million babies, it's hard to keep track of everyone when you are writing a legacy or in my case a wishacy. Which is why I am so glad neither of my current sims parents wanted more then one kid. Makes it so much easier to keep track of. lol So I guess my point is I sympathize!

  2. Unfortunately, since I'm not doing a wishacy, I have no one to blame except myself. I wanted the story that twins would bring, so Jackie-boy had some last minute fertility treatment. And then he attained high enough career status that his offspring would get the hidden firefighter traits (or whatever they are... I haven't actually checked little Jack to see what he got), and I wanted his heir to have that so I forced ANOTHER baby... Ugh... why wasn't I satisfied with twins for the heir and backup? And no more maids, no matter how cute! At least, not unless I don't have to control them. I was thinking a wishacy sounded awesome until you mentioned that they can wish for more babies... and you have to accept it. Nooo! No more babies!!!
