Monday, April 11, 2011

Faux Hawks and Monkeys

Ugh, does your legacy ever start to feel like a chore?  I just can't take all of these sims, and I haven't even gotten the second generation grow up yet.  Well, I made a bit of progress in that area as little Jack aged up today!  He's absolutely adorable.  Apparently, he got the good genes, unlike his masculine-looking sisters.

So far, he has the traits Loves the Outdoors and Easily Impressed.  He likes classical music, french toast and the color spice brown.  With a virtuoso mother and growing up in a brown ship, it's not a big surprised.  He's an Aquarius, which is appropriate for a pirate's son.  Have some adorable pictures!

Jack started off toddler-hood as a skinhead.  He promptly tried to eat himself.  There was an emergency makeover hosted by myself and my hubby, and now Jack's beautiful hair is visible.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh Jack. Will You Never Learn?

I need to keep the family smaller next time.  It seems to be taking forever for people to age up (particularly those damn kids!) when I keep slowing or pausing time to manage them all.  Anyway, Jack's gotten himself in a spot of trouble, although he redid his house in a manner fit for his legacy.

Using his money from rescuing fairies...

and selling the Tofunda SUV, Jack decided to redo his house to be more impressive and better laid out.

He kept his original dinghy, but wasn't certain what he'd use it for.  He found out... Oh believe me, he found out.  More on that later, though.

Jasmine finished her picture of Fiona.

The wife and the former-mistress seem to be getting along well and share the goal of eating dinner with the girls each night.  This is much easier now that they have a real dinner table.

After everyone had gone to bed, Jack saw this running by toward the ocean:

Now how could he resist such innocence?  How could this evil pirate resist the urge to corrupt it?  The "I'm a Firefighter" line came through again.

Jack discovered that his dinghy, formerly his home, was the perfect shag pad away from the family.  Hopefully this doesn't become a habit... more so than it already is.

Jack was a little tired after all that exertion, so he headed to bed, confident that she could find her own way home.  Immune to subtle suggestion, his recent conquest decided to Stride of Pride through his home.  At first I thought the creepiest thing was that she looked like a young version of his wife.

And then she picked up the baby while everyone was sleeping.  :-O  Ok, I think I've seen this in a scary movie before.  Thankfully, she just wanted to play with little Jack before heading home.

It wasn't until the next day, when rumors about cheating started flying, that Jack discovered his "innocent flower" was a paparazzi!  Karma, Jack.  Karma.