Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oo La La!

Well, it's been a bit longer than expected since I last posted, although ironically everything in this post was done in game the same day as my last post.  There have just been so many contests to keep up with!

Back to the story.  Jack has been a naughty naughty boy, all in the name of getting the most out of his genetic code.  Let's see what happened...

Little Anne and Bonnie finally aged up to toddlers.  Jack and Jasmine invited over a slew of friends who ate cake and danced on the top deck.  There was so much for Jack and Jasmine to do, running around after guests and two children, that Jack had a little accident.

However, the girls aged up fairly well and soon got onto skill building.  This was a whole family effort and was barely completed!  However, each girl learned all she could from each toy as well as learning each major skill, like walking and talking.

Around this time Jack suddenly felt better at fighting fires... he felt it down in his genes.  No, genes, not jeans!  Confident that he could now pass on the ability to fight fires to his children, he wanted a child that could carry this trait on to future generations.  So, Anne and Bonnie have been chucked out the door (not literally) as heirs, and Jack now wants to sire a new heir.  He tries with his beloved Jasmine...

but she turns into Grandma Rackham (sans grandchildren) before the pregnancy can take hold.  What's a pirate to do?

Well, this pirate decided that he'd just have to find an impressionable young woman who would fall for his "I'm a firefighter" line, move into the house and not try to usurp matriarchal authority from beloved Jasmine.  After all, Jack's a rogue, not a complete bastard.  (Yeah, like I'd put up with that irl!)  He spends time talking with several pretty young women, but he either finds out they're not a young as they first appear to be or that they're just not great people.  And then he meets Fiona Fleet and lo and behold, she also Loves the Outdoors!  He gets to know her and eventually invites her to move in as a nanny/maid.  However, it's obvious he has a little more than cleaning on his mind.  With his Master of Seduction reward, she doesn't stand a chance.

Fiona moves in and loves her new job.  She quits her day job and dedicates her time to taking care of the girls and keeping her new home presentable.  Under her direction, new rooms are added for herself and for the girls when they get older.  The bathroom is removed from the entry hall and two new large ones are created near the bedrooms.

Jasmine suspects what is happening, but she finds that she gets along with Fiona rather well.  If anything is going on between Fiona and Jack, Jasmine hasn't seen it in front of her.  She suspects that Jack may be after another child, but she knows she can't give it to him and feels helpless for another solution.  She decides that as long as Jack is in her bed every night and Fiona continues to be helpful around the house, she will take the situation at face value.  After all, she does need some help taking care of the twins now that both she and Jack are out of the house at their jobs during the day.  That doesn't keep her from trying to prove to Fiona that she's still the woman of the house.

Soon enough, it's time for the girls to age up.  They are skilled and happy with a new room waiting for them.  They don't have a big party like last time, because Jack still gets embarrassed when he thinks about it.  But, in between bouts of morning sickness, Fiona help them move into their new room and look forward to starting school.  (Just between you and me, I think they're fairly unattractive children, so I'm happy there's a chance at another -prettier- child.)

Scoring wise, I don't think anything needs to be changed.  Jasmine is currently working on a portrait of Fiona so that there will be a portrait of whichever woman is the mother of the eventual heir.  If it's Fiona, Jasmine's point just gets replaced by Fiona's.

Ah yes, after aging up, the girls have the following traits (new ones in bold):

Bonnie: Loves the Outdoors, Virtuoso, Vegetarian
Anne: Insane, Loves the Outdoors, Friendly

What's nice is that both girls obviously take after their dad.  Early in the morning, the day after aging up, they both head outside to fish in the ocean just seconds from their doorstep.


Point Total: 4

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have a polygamist relationship going on! It's hilarious! I love your pirate he's quite handsome!! I'm following your blog now!! It's interesting.
